Monday, January 11, 2010

Ironman Lake Placid 2010!

Well, here it is...The EVE of Day #1 of Training for Ironman Lake Placid 2010!

HOW did I get here so FAST?! BLINK!

Feels like it was just a MINUTE AGO when I signed up for the race, this past July- when I was up at Ironman LP '09 as a Volunteer!!!

And now 5 MONTHS have passed since then!

So, here I go, my Friends... I haven't raced Ironman since '04. In Canada.

I'll be completely honest with you guys- I'm terrified.Lake Placid is the TOUGHEST Ironman Course in the US!

And THAT is EXACTLY why I'm going to TRAIN MY IRONBUTT OFF for this event!

I will do EVERYTHING WITHIN MY POWER to be ready for SUCCESS at IMLP 2010!

The rest of it.... And the Unknown... will be what it will be...

There's nothing I can do about all that, except;

-Pray to the Ironman Gods, that they Bless & take care of me and my Iron-Peeps who will be racing IMLP 2010

-Put out as MUCH Positive Triathlon & Running Karma as POSSIBLE, into the Universe!

-Physically and Mentally Prepare for EVERTHING, and ANYTHING! The Good. The Bad. ALL of it!

The rest, is The UNKNOWN...

And to that, I say... BRING IT!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Eve Midnight Run!

Hi Peoples!

First and foremost...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I hope you all had a fun & safe NYE!
So...I did the MIDNIGHT RUN last nite. It ROCKED!!!
Fireworks! Costumes! And a DJ spinnin' before and after the race!
It's always an awesome way to start the New Year!
2 of my Race Crew, S & L raced it too! They did SO GREAT!
I'm a proud Coach!
The weather was weird. It was raining, then snowing, then raining...
I've decided that it's best to just say it was "SNAINING".
Oh, and it was slushy too.
We all met up at the Baggage Check, shed some layers,
dropped our bags in our designated slushy spots,
& then slippidy slided our way over to the Start.
I made S & L climb over the barricade,
(mite as well break em in young), so we could get up close to the Start.
Please don't judge, everybody Fence Hops at this race.
It's a Fun Run- so there wasn't a Corral System in place for the Start.
We took a minute to check out some of the costumes around us.
I saw: Santa, Tiger Woods, Wonder Woman, Alvin The Chipmunk,
& various wigged & bedazzled others,
as WELL as several shirtless cute boys, (thanks boys!),
and then there were these 2 chicks who ran in just bras & underwear.
Keep in mind that is was 35 DEGREES and SNAINING out,
as you conjure amental picture these last few lunatics...
So then me, S & L each called our respective Most Important Peeps,
to wish them a "Happy New Year", right before the Start.
Then the Announcer proceeded to whip us up into a RAGING FRENZY as the Countdown got nearer!
And then the countdown started.10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..BOOM!
The fireworks ROCKED!
They start at exactly midnight, & continue for 20 minutes!
The only obstacle is that the course is a 4 mile loop,
that makes 4 left hand turns.
Fireworks are just north of the Start on our left side...but,
soon after we make the 1st left hand turn, we have to literally
turn around& look over our left shoulders to see them.
Now, if you're fast enough, & can get up and around the top of the loop
before the 20 minutes of fireworks is over, you get to see the FINALE!
I wasn't fast enough this year. But, that's...OKAY.
I'll catch the finale next year. TRUST!
The course was sorta slushy,
but the road was clean enough to run safely.
The Volunteers were AMAZING, as always.
And the spectators were AWESOME!
There were roaring cheers & many
High Fives happening along the whole course!
It was a GREAT race,
& I'm STOKED that I racked up another New Years Run!
Plus we got a nice, long sleeve Race T and a cool wool cap! Good swag!
So, that's Race #1, my friends.
Since it was a Fun Run, it won't count toward the 9+1 requirements
to get NYC Marathon Guaranteed Entry for 2011...
But WHO CARES, it was a PERFECT way to kick off 2010!
Okay, Peeps, time to post some race pics...